• Jonia Broderick

It Is Time for Active, Not Reactive Politics

Political convention season is now over. Both the Democratic and Republican National Committees have made their cases as to why their candidate should be elected (or re-elected) president on November 3rd. For eight nights Americans heard stories and speeches meant to inspire, frighten, or give opinions as facts. There were some big claims and some broad promises, yet few realistic ideas. There was much hyperbolic demonizing of the other side, as well, while giving assurances that their side was the exact noble opposite. For too long, American politics have been reactive, not proactive, and we’re at a point where, because of neglect, we need a lot of the latter.

The formula of reactive politics is this: Event A happens. Politicians on one side of the aisle make speeches and promise drastic measures to prevent such things in the future. The other side quickly condemns those policy proposals and claim they are going to destroy America. Sensing a need to respond to their base, they then seek legislation completely opposite of the other or they work to block the other side in its plan. Hearings will be held. Speeches will be given. Ultimately, very little is done to actually solve the problem that led to the event.

Political leaders have a solemn obligation to work to solve problems, not just pontificate about them. Their job is to recognize the needs of their constituents and then find ways to address them, not kick them down the road to future congressional sessions or expect them to be handled by the other branches of government. Unfortunately, the hyperpoliticizing of virtually every issue is making it impossible for compromise and progress.

I believe in problem solving. I believe in principled compromise. I believe in working to make government an entity that helps Americans, not hurts them.

On November 3rd, vote for the candidate who seeks proactive solutions so that we can move forward in solving America’s problems!


© 2023 by Christina Flores.